What to expect at Consultation
So, you’ve reached the point you need to engage your cake supplier. However, have you done this early enough? In the past about 6 months was ample notice to start the process. Sadly with so many suppliers falling by the wayside due to global events you need to at least know your preferred supplier is available and has your date in their diary almost 12 months in advance!! Yes that’s right 12 Months. Remember detail, consultations, logistics can all be done closer to the time.
Now is the time to finally meet and begin the very exciting part of designing your very own Wedding Cake!!
Consultation should be your next step. All reputable bakers will offer a consultation, you need to make sure that all the information you’ve received actually stands up!! Taste is a key component of cake. No point in paying the large sums of money for something that really doesn’t taste good. There are so many recipes out there that bakers can use, but there are some key things to note.
Structure vs texture vs flavour. The nature of a wedding cake is such that the actual structure of the cake is vitally important. A moist crumbly cake you have in a cafe is very different from the cake required to cope with the amount of pressure needed to keep it standing upright when stacked one on top of the other. A dense madeira cake is ideal for wedding cakes - but oh so very boring and very heavy. Make sure your baker has a good range of flavours that they can prove have worked in the past.
During a consultation you will need to ask as many questions as possible. Don’t be afraid to ask if they deliver, how do they deliver, is there a charge (this is the norm I’m afraid. With the roads as dreadful as they are these days transporting cake is a fine art in itself!!), are all cakes freshly baked, can you freeze any after the event, how many slices, what size slices - actually the list can be endless, but now is your opportunity to make sure you’re getting what you want!! Most bakers will welcome the questions, it gives a boost to know couples have actually thought about things.
Once flavours are chosen it’s down to the design and what your showstopper is going to look like!!!
What could be sweeter!!
A Luxury Consultation including Afternoon Tea, Wedding Cake Design and a glass of bubbles - treat yourselves if it’s on offer!!